Converting from Bbot-Only to Bbot+Toast

If you are adding a Toast integration to your existing Bbot account, please keep in mind a few things during the transition. If you have the "order-ahead/ future orders" function enabled for you Bbot menu settings, when you activate your integration with Toast, we cannot inject previous orders that have already been placed into Toast.

Our recommendation is that you continue to use the Bbot Terminal as your primary operating terminal for a period of time equal to how far in advance you have allowed “order ahead”. Alternatively, you can manually input the “order ahead” orders that are on the Bbot Terminal into Toast.

To get started, please ensure Toast is set up according to the steps in this article. It is imperative that all steps are followed precisely as they are all mandatory for Bbot to successfully integrate with Toast.

Once those steps are followed, please reach out to [email protected] to connect the Toast integration within the Bbot Owner Panel.

The last step to successfully integrate with Toast is to sync Toast menus to Bbot.

If you encounter any issues or have any questions about this process, please reach out to [email protected].