Google Tag Manager: Goals and Conversion Funnels
In order to start measuring Goal Completions on your Bbot Menu Pages, you will first need to enable Pageview Tracking. For more details on this please see our article, Google Tag Manager: Tracking Pageviews.
Once you have enabled Pageview Tracking, you can begin measuring Goal Completions. The following instructions will help you track goals such as completed checkouts and compare them with key metrics such as traffic sources and referrals. You can also enable Conversion Funnels which provide insight into whether or not specific pages of your menu may be contributing to user dropoff.
Configuring Goal Completions and Conversion Funnels
Tracking Completed Checkouts:
- Click on the Admin icon in the lower-left corner of your Google Analytics account.
- Select the correct Property and click on the "Goals" tab located under "Views."
Click on "+New Goal"
Name the Goal. ie. Completed Checkouts
- Select "Destination" for the Type and click "Continue"
Change the dropdown below Destination to "Regular Expression"
- Enter "/order/status" into the text box and Save.
Enabling Conversion Funnels:
- Follow the steps above for setting up a goal for tracking completed checkouts.
- Before clicking save, toggle the Funnel setting to "On."
Add Steps for every page that you expect a user to visit on their way to placing an order. The example shown here assumes that a user will visit your menu page, followed by the checkout page, before moving on to the /order/status page, which signifies that an order has been successfully placed.
Click Save.
Viewing Goal Completions:
In the menu on the left side of Google Analytics, click on Conversions > Goals > Overview. This will open a view for analyzing data from all of your current goals.
Under "Goal Options" you can select which goals you want to view. You can view a specific goal individually, or you can select all goals to view every goal you have at once.
In the Upper-right corner of the screen, you can select the date ranges that would like to view. This can be useful to determine if any changes that you have made to your menus are affecting your conversion rates.
In the bottom-left corner of the screen, you can click on "source/medium." This will open a list that displays the different sources of traffic that are contributing to your goal completions. The list will contain any traffic sources along with the number and percentage of goal completions that each has contributed to.
Viewing Conversion Funnels:
In the menu on the left side of Google Analytics, click on Conversions > Goals > Funnel Visualization. This will open a view for analyzing data from all of your current goals in the form of funnels.
Under Goal Option, you can select the goal that you would like to view.
In the Upper-right corner of the screen, you can select the date ranges that would like to view. This can be useful to determine if any changes that you have made to your menus are affecting your conversion rates.
If you scroll down, you will see the funnel visualization of the current goal that you have selected. In order to view a multi-step funnel, you will need to have the conversion funnel configured properly. If you do not have one set up yet, please see the "Enabling Conversion Funnels" instructions listed above.
The funnel provides you with a step-by-step view of how users are interacting with your site. The number listed in the middle of each step indicates how many users successfully made it to each step of the funnel.
The green triangles on the left indicate how many users entered the funnel at this step. In the case below, it makes sense that most users will enter at the Menu Page as this is the most common starting location when placing an online order.
The red triangle on the right indicates how many users abandon the funnel at this step. This is useful for determining what page, if any, is contributing to user dropoff.
For more information on Bbot's Google Tag Manager Integration, check out our Google Tag Manager Integration article.