Audit Trail

The Audit Trail logs specific actions made in the Owner Panel and who made them. From the Bbot Owner Panel, navigate to the 'Restaurant Setup' section and click 'System Logs'.

You will then be able to select 'Audit Trail' within the 'Systems Logs'

The Audit Trail will list the last 3000 changes by line item and will list the below information in the activity feed: 

  • Action Taken
  • Username for who made the change
  • Date and time of the change

For actions outside of the 3000 line-item limits, please reach out to and our Customer Support Team will be able to provide the information for you. 

To view the details of what was changed, you can click into the specific entry which will list the same information as above but will also provide additional details of what was changed under the 'Details' field. For example, in the screenshot below, location codes were deleted. 

There are over 80 different actions that are logged in the Audit Trail, however, the list below provides the categories for each action taken in the Owner Panel and Terminal that is tracked. 

  • Add -  This tracks adding a new bank account, credit card, employee, or location code.
  • Add/Edit - Tracks the addition of a new promo code or menu tag.
  • Terminal Items 86 - Tracks when Items are marked out of stock in the Bbot Terminal.
  • Terminal Order Controls - Tracks any changes made to the order control page in the Bbot Terminal.
  • Bulk Edit Items - Changes made to more than one menu item at a time in the menu settings. 
  • Change - Changes made to prep station and menu hours
  • Connect - Connecting an integration partner through the Bbot App Store. 
  • Create - Adding items such as a new menu or items. 
  • Create/Update - Modifying items such as billing information, checkout limitations, and service fees.
  • Delete - The deletion of configuration settings such as location codes, menu items, and Stripe accounts. 
  • Disconnect - The removal of an integration partner in the Bbot App Store. 
  • Edit - Any changes to configuration settings for menus, location codes, or table mappings.
  • Link Menu to Master Menu - A Child account being linked to a Parent account's master menu
  • Mark Tax Exempt - Changing an item in the menu settings to tax-exempt.
  • Menu Upload - A new CSV menu was uploaded in the menu settings
  • Promo CSV Upload - A CSV with promo codes bulk uploaded in the owner panel under 'System Configuration' settings
  • Refund Items - Any refund performed in the Owner Panel.
  • Remove Billpayer - The removal of billing information from the owner panel under the 'Account Settings' configuration.
  • Reset Default Fulfillment - Reverting the Guest Notification Set to the default notice for customers.
  • Save Printer Properties - Updating printer settings in the printer configuration.
  • Set Guest Message - Creating a message in the 'Presentation to Guest' settings.
  • Set Primary Payment Method - Adding a new primary payment method, either ACH or credit card.
  • Set Tip Settings - Changing the default tip percentages in 'Account Settings'
  • Verify Bank Account - Completing the verification process for the Stripe account in the Payment 
  • Stripe Account Updates - Updates to payout schedule in the Payout & Billings tool

For questions about information in the Audit Trail, please contact our Support Team at