Manage Fraud Contacts

You can receive fraud alerts from Bbot. This is a special type of text alert that will be sent when we detect that a transaction may be fraudulent.

To get started setting up Fraud Alerts, navigate to the 'Support Alerts' page in your Bbot Owner Panel. This can be done via the 'Support Text Alerts' link under the 'Restaraunt Setup' section of your dashboard or via the 'Support Alerts' option of your side navigation bar of the Owner Panel.

Once you've arrived at this page, select 'Manage Fraud Contacts'

A popup will appear where you can opt to 'Add New Fraud Alert Contact' or 'View / Edit Fraud Alert Contacts'

To Add a New Fraud Alert Contact

Select 'Add New Fraud Alert Contact,' then click 'NEXT'

A new popup will appear where you can enter contact information for the person who should receive the alerts. Complete all fields, then select 'ADD FRAUD CONTACT' to save.

To View / Edit Fraud Alert Contacts

Select 'View / Edit Fraud Alert Contacts,' then click 'NEXT'

A new popup will appear where you can view a list of all of your Fraud Alert contacts. 

If you would like to delete a contact, simply check the box next to their name, then click the trash can icon in the top right corner of the popup.