ELO Tablet FAQ

Elo tablets come in two sizes; 10" and 22".  Elo tablets are high-reliability tablets used for running the Bbot terminal. Uses Ethernet capability for high reliability which is strongly recommended for running Bbot Terminal when used as the primary system for in-venue ordering.

Q. How do I connect my Elo tablet to the internet? 

Elo tablets are connected to the internet via hardwire, ethernet cord. Bbot does not provide an ethernet cord along with your Tablet.

Q. Can I connect my Elo tablet to wifi?

Yes. To connect your Elo tablet to wifi please follow the How To Connect Your Elo Tablet To Wifi.

Q. How can I restart or reboot my Elo Tablet?

Please follow How To Reboot Your Elo Tablet.

Q. Do I need to register my advice on Elo View?

No. Please do not register your device on Elo View. This could cause a delay in setup!

Q. I just got my device and it is asking me for a password! What should I type in?

The password to enter your device is either 'tabletadmin' or 'elo1'.

Q. How do I adjust the volume on my Elo Tablet?

Bbot will always have your terminal set to full volume for receiving Bbot orders unless otherwise discussed. Please reach out to [email protected] for assistance in volume settings.