Avg Orders/Minute Report

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The Avg Orders/Minute report displays how many orders were submitted within a selected time period and broken down into minutes.

Refining your Report 

You can use the dropdown menus to refine this report. 

Whole Day - This will set your set time frame parameters to whole days and there will be no need to set specific times of the day. 

Custome Time Range - This setting will change the time frame parameters to include specific times.

Reporting Columns

The Avg Orders/Minute report shows the following information:

Time - Date and time broke down into 4-minute increments for the formulated data.

Food ordered per minute - The number of food items ordered within an 8 minute time period that encompasses the 'time' shown and broken down to the average number of food items per minute within the 8 minute time period.

Drinks ordered per minute - The number of drink items ordered within an 8 minute time period that encompasses the 'time' shown and broken down to the average number of drink items per minute within the 8 minute time period.

The example below: The time period '01:34 PM 28-Nov-2020' encompasses orders from 1:30 PM to 1:37 PM.  This is an 8 minute time period which always includes the 3 minutes before and the 5 minutes after the displayed time.  1 food item and 1 drink item were ordered in this 8 minute time period.

1 food item divided by 8 minutes equals the average number of food items ordered per minute of 0.125 which is the number displayed in the 'food ordered per minute' column.

1 drink item divided by 8 minutes equals the average number of drink items ordered per minute of 0.125 which is the number displayed in the 'drinks ordered per minute' column.