Creating Revel Menus - Best Practices

Revel Menu Builder Terminology

Revel Support Article

  • Category - Similar to Menu in other POS systems
  • Subcategory - Equivalent to a Menu Header
  • Product - Equivalent to an item in TOP
  • Active/Inactive - Similar to the Enable/Disable function in TOP. Will hide the item from ordering pages. This option will be used for stock if a Mx does not regularly update inventory within Revel
  • Inventory - Unique to Revel. This is the stock amount that is used if Bbot is set to follow item quantity values in Revel

  • Modifier Class - A modifier group that can be applied to products
  • Modifier - Specific option for an item within a Modifier class

Create a Quick Product - From Backend

  • From the Products page
    • + Add
    • Product
Create New Product

  • Image - Pulled directly into TOP
  • Name - Item name on POS and menu
  • Price - Sale price pulled into TOP
  • Cost - Amount the item costs Mx to make (not seen by Cx)
  • Category - Menu item/product will display under
  • Subcategory - Menu Header item/product will display under
  • Class - Reporting category item/product is assigned to
  • UDM - Set to Unit
  • Item Taxed? - Almost always yes
  • Tax Group - Appropriate tax settings to apply to item/product

  • Additional Details > Printers - Printer assigned item will print to when ordered, also affects which KDS item is sent to

  • Inventory Details - Fill in if needed, Mx will likely need to provide information
  • Matrix Details - Not used for most cases
  • Advanced Product Settings >  Description - To add a description for TOP BOS
Create Modifiers

  1. Click on Modifiers from the Products page tabs on the left hand side of the screen.
  2. Click +Add Modifier Class, to add a Modifier Class.
  3. Enter a name for the Modifier Class in the corresponding field.
  4. Click the save icon to save the Modifier Class.
  5. Expand a Modifier Class by clicking the + icon next to the class name.
  6. Click +Add Modifier, to create a Modifier.
  7. Enter a name for the Modifier in the "Modifier Class Name" field.
  8. Input a cost and price for the modifier, if needed.
  9. Click the save icon located in the upper right corner to save the modifier.
Apply Modifiers

  1. Use the Modifier icon to apply modifiers and modifiers classes to products.
  2. Select the Products tab on the left side of the screen to go back to the Products page.
  3. Click the “M” associated with a product to apply a modifier to that product.
  4. Navigate to the desired modifier class to attach to the product.
  5. Set the rules for the modifier class.
  6. Click Save, located in the upper right corner to save changes.

Create a Quick Product - From iPad/POS

  • Name - Item name on POS and menu
  • Price - Sale price pulled into TOP
  • Cost - Amount the item costs Mx to make (not seen by Cx)
  • Category - Menu item/product will display under
  • Subcategory - Menu Header item/product will display under
  • Class - Reporting category item/product is assigned to
  • UDM - Set to Unit
  • Printers/KDS - Printer assigned item will print to when ordered
  • Desc. - Description that is pulled directly into TOP
  • Camera Icon - Apply image to product that will displayed under the TOP Item

Menu Configuration for Printing

Individual Products set which printer/KDS they are assigned to

  • To edit printer/KDS for multiple products/items at once follow this guide to export and edit a CSV

In Management Console > Settings > KDS Print Options 

  1. In the search results, check the box next to KDS Print Options.
  2. Select the options to print on the ticket
    • Order Number: The order number. This option is selected by default; you may deselect it.
    • Order Option: The type of order.
    • Server Name: The server responsible for the order. This option is selected by default; you may deselect it.
    • Guest Count: The number of guests in the party.
    • Customer Name: The name of the customer. This value will remain blank if no customer name is specified. This option is selected by default for non-table service establishments.
    • Call Number: The call number for the order. This value will remain blank if no call number is specified.
    • Call Name: The call name for the order. This value will remain blank if no call name is specified.
    • Table Number: The table number for the order. This option is selected by default for table service establishments.
    • Seat Number: The seat number for the order. This option is selected by default for table service establishments.
    • Coursing Data: Coursing information for the order.
    • Key Data in Red: If selected, any modifiers will display in red.
    • Notes: Any additional notes about the order.
  3. Click Save.